Pranav Uikey Machine Learning Engineer

About Me

I work as a Machine Learning Engineer and Training Head at Ai Adventures. I'm from Nagpur and went to College Of Engineering Pune to pursue my Engineering. I got attracted toward the buzzword Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning so I started my professional journey with Ai Adventures in 2018.


As a beginner I started my journey with sklearn for Machine Learning. Then I got introduce to Tensorflow,Keras and Pytorch Deep Learning Frameworks.


I am quite proficient in Python and use it for general purpose. And C is like my college love which I didn't understand in those days. But now I know it's importance. For Database purposes I rely on MySql.And For Web developement I use HTML,CSS and JavaScript.


These tools I use all the time in every project. VSCode is now so much easy to use because of the extensions and For version control I use git.


Diabetes Detection and Suggest Nutrition

An android app which tells users if they have diabetes or not based on some questions and suggest Diet as well as Exercise accordingliy

Check it out

Video Classifier

This Project is inspired from adrian rosebrook(OpenCV Guru).This project classifies what sport is being played in the video.

Check it out

Bakery Sales Prediction

Using Time Series Analysis a subdomain of Machine Learning is used to predict the sales of any bakery product.

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Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis

The working is similar to Sentiment Analysis but just adding some extra features you can tell the sentiment of particular aspect of any product.

Check it out
